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  1. Get the source code and compile Go programs in cmd subdirectory: ./build.
  2. Create and change to the directory where the state will be kept.
  3. Place your MM’s credentials to $NETRC (~/.netrc by default). For example machine mm.invalid login stargrave@mm.invalid password PASSWORD.
  4. Set $MMC_ENTRYPOINT environment variable to your entrypoint.
  5. Run cmd/start and you should see started tmux with split window, running cmd/mmc and list of user statuses.
  6. By pressing Prefix+c, list of available users/channels is shown inside fzf. Choose the desired one.
  7. A new window (if it did not exist) will appear with the history of messages and a part where you can type you message inside rlwrap. You can call external editor (for multiline messages) with Ctrl-^ key by default in that utility.
  8. Each time new message appears in the window, bell character is sent, alerting the tmux and (depending on your configuration) probably your running terminal.
  9. If message is edited or deleted, then [EDIT]/[DEL] prefix is prepended. If message contains appended files, then [FILE] FILEID message is shown.
  10. By pressing Prefix+d you will close the window.
  11. By pressing Prefix+S, list of available files is shown inside fzf, just to quickly display it.
  12. By pressing Prefix+D, list of available file links in current window is shown. Choose the desired one and it will be saved in /tmp directory.
  13. Status change and typing notifications are shown as a short-lived message at the bottom of the screen.
  14. If you want to send file to the user/channel, then send /FILE /path/to/file message.
  15. If you want to download some file, then you can invoke cmd/dl path/to/state FILEID utility, that will save the file to FILEID.tar archive in current directory and extract it.
  16. After you just logged in, cmd/mmc checks for new messages since you were offline, if any messages were in the state’s history. So some windows could be automatically opened because of new messages.
  17. By pressing Prefix+Q you will destroy the whole session and quit tmux.
  18. cmd/mmc heartbeats server each minute to tell that you are online, preventing you becoming away.
  19. You can preliminary fill your history:
    for c (users/*(/) chans/*(/)) cmd/sb/all $c

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